Ophthalmology Consultation

Ophthalmic evaluation starts with a complete examiation to evaluate your vision and ocular health.  Sometimes additional diagnostic testing may be recommended.  Whether you are seeking a primary eye care provider or need a second opinion on your condition, we are here to provide you with expert and personalized care.


Office Evaluation

An initial office evaluation includes a complete medical history; please bring your medication list with you to facilitate the process.  Medical history forms can be downloaded from our website and filled out prior to your visit.  A complete ophthalmic evaluation includes vision testing, slit lamp examination of your ocular anatomy, and a dilated examation to evalute your retina.  Pupillary dilation may make you more light sensitive for two hours but is highly recommended to ensure early detection of certain eye conditions, such as glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and macular degeneration.  Please bring your sunglasses with you, or we can provide you with disposable shades after your visit.


Diagnostic Testing

Sometimes additional diagnostic testing is needed to fully evaluate your condition.  For example, a visual field test for peripheral vision is indicated for glaucoma, topography is indicated for irregular astigmatism, and optical biometry or ultrasound biometry is indicated prior to cataract surgery.  Diagnostic testing may take more time and somtimes require a separate visit.


Laser and Surgical Procedures

Laser and surgical intervention may be indicated as a primary form of treatment when medical therapy is not available or as an adjunct or alternative treatment when medication is ineffective.  Indications and descriptions of commonly performed laser procedures and surgical procedues are briefly discussed for your reference.